The Democrats who have moved so far left as to be recognized as socialists, RINO **expletives** although they SAY they are CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS, vote Democrat Socialist (you know the ones with the ROSE and call themselves that online.) almost every time.
Thus there are many HALL OF SHAME sites where one can see these peoples' names inscribed for all time in Infamy as FDR once said of "sneaky deceptive Japanese when they bombed Pearl Harbor". A lot of Tea Party and ordinary Americans feel that we,too, have been "BOMBED" by wasteful socialist spending putting our country deep in debt to the Red Chinese. Universal healthcare has been done in Europe, Canada, and England with its many weaknesses far outweighing dubious, couched in legalese 2000 pages of regulated benefits paid by RICH, a dwindling group of besieged business people trying to hire people when getting hit with regulations, unions, and government meddling that somehow Congress exempts itself from suffering. The "RICH" are expected to pay most of the taxes AND provide healthcare for the entire nation!
As of December 29.2011, the GOP is promoting a weak field of POTUS and other candidates, several are tired, burned out discarded RETREADS like Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, and worst of the lot...MITT ROMNEY who used Democrats to foist UNIVERSAL SPROCKET HEALTHCARE ON Massachusettes which had all covered EXCEPT 6 to 9% making this an UNNECESSARY travesty just to make UNIVERSAL SPROCKET HEALTHCARE look tenable and "progressive". Those who have observed the "progressive" trend see the free USA steadily REGRESSING to this socialist debt-mired stagnant economy much like socialist progressive Europe with its failing GREEK and Spanish economy flooded with population booming Muslims Hell-bent on assimulating EVERY country that imprudent immigration allowers mess up and allow them in. Country data reveals that like atomic fusion, Muslims reach CRITICAL MASS at 40-50-60% of the general pop or genpop of a country THEN MUSLIMS TURN Western Law against England, France and America because they WANT SHARIA LAW, IMAM RULE, etc,etc. until the host country IS MUSLIM. In the US, CAIR pretends they are like the Italian Defamation League, and pro Judism groups while fighting for extremist Islam NOT against discrimination. They turn our own laws against us by using petro dollars to buy our unamerican lawyers such as A.C.L.U. communist and socialist lawyers.
The recent OIL GOUGING by the Middle East and the OPECers coupled with deliberate disallowing of American drilling has been a double whammy against "The Land of the Free." We are strangling our job market by choking US oil from providing less costly energy and more important JOBS and keeping PETRO DOLLARS AT HOME to stimulate our own economy while we send BILLIONS of petro dollars to people who HATE the WEST in general and want to overwhelm our plunging LOCAL population with Muslims and other peoples who ignore our borders, language and culture and pursue their own Sharia Law as in Britain.
The Tea Party, bless their pea picking hearts, has endeavored to restore borders, language and culture along with smaller more responsive government, fighting regulations being put into place without voter approval.
Shame,Shame Shame On These Human Debris
Senator Jeff Sessions
Senator Mel Martinez
Representative John Mica
Senator Saxby Chambliss is also a Do Not Drill in America Smuck
Johnny Isackson MAY be a Do Not Drill in America Smuck because his peabrain might be confused and unduely influenced by Chambliss slightly larger peabrain. Johnny Isakson is a TRUTH IGNORER because everyone knows BHO's father was a Kenyan and US Constitution declares BOTH parents MUST be USA natural born. For a liberal excuse SEE ****
IBID.First of all, feelings have nothing to do with this.
We have made this simple enough for a fifth grader to understand.
As a matter of fact, I was taught and understood it in the fifth grade.
Placing congressmen in the Hall of Shame is being too kind. They deserve
expulsion for dereliction of duty and being guilty of High Crimes and
Misdemeanors. Many of these clowns have had a legal education.
There is no excuse for not knowing the law, for not being informed and
for not caring.
Each person on this list can begin the process of redeeming themselves in the public’s
eye by asking questions, learning the facts and apologizing.
This is not some silly little game. This is not about party politics
and “me me me” personalities. This affects the lives of US citizens and
the world.
Ignorance is not bliss and is no excuse.
Do our congressmen care about this country?
Are our congressmen smarter than a fifth grader? Or are they THAT ambitious to begin with?
Are they really “ignorant”? There is a great deal of well-presented “evidence” that supports the ideas they cling onto. Most congressmen feel that they have seen a photo of Obama’s birth-certificate.
We have to make our evidence seem more compelling!
I learnt a few things in the service of my Church: The fact is, most people will reject a message not because they are stupid or un-caring, but because they are afraid of what it means if they are wrong. The way to convince people is to touch their hearts – reach out to them. It does no good to draw attention to their own folly.
In my experience, most politicians really do care about the county (even the Dems). If we were able to be more convincing there might be a few who would give our ideas their time… unfortunately none of us have made a clear, coherent case… yet.
Unfortunately this site IS confusing: It is full of unsubstantiated allegations (e.g. Donald Young murder, Larry Sinclair drug-use, API), and this detracts from your more serious claims (Obama eligibility).
I would advise you to simplify your presentation a great deal, make your headlines shorter and easier to understand and make your articles get to the point quickly instead of quoting from the constitution all the time. That way you will have a better chance of communicating the BIG issues in a way that can be understood by a busy politician.
But then again...
The Larry Sinclair story is huge if for no other reason
than because of the massive orchestrated attempts to silence him.
Remember when the John Edwards story was being dismissed as absurd.
The same scenario existed then.
We can disagree on techniques but I do massive amounts of work and
I have to make the call.
No offense.
I do consider suggestions and I may employ some of yours.
I have not had the luxury of time when cranking out articles.
It has been important to get the articles out asap as soon as I
have verification and/or consider the news as being important.
Many decisions are left up to the reader, but no decision can be
made if the Info is not presented.
Then many are understandably disgusted with many so called Christians in this country
that ignored classic signs such as evidence of “fruit of the spirit” so lacking
in Obama. They, like the so called Christians of Nazi Germany, have turned their
heads and allowed Obama and his evil entourage to waltz through the election
The revelation by "Joe the Plumber" when Obama admitted he would "spread the wealth" was an eyeopener for MOST. Even those who do not "speak the English" could have found out.
Senator Mike Crapo
Senator Barack Obama Hall of Shame 2008 Man of the Year
His citizenship comes from his fathers’ lineage, who was Kenyan under British rule and therefore a British citizen at birth. If you would like to examine his mothers’ transferred citizenship then one would have to look at the laws on the books at the time. His mother would have to be a US citizen and have resided in US territory for (10) years, (5) of those years after the age of 14. She was 18 when she gave birth to BHO. So he is never going to be a “natural born citizen” regardless of what his birth certificate states.
1. Constitution Article II requires USA President to be “natural born citizen”.
2. BHO’s website admits his dad was Kenyan/British, not American, citizen when BHO was born.
3. BHO is therefore not a “natural born citizen” (irrespective of Hawaiian birth or whether he may be a 14th Amendment “citizen” of USA) — confirmed in the Senate’s own McCain qualification resolution (that both parents must be citizens of USA) co-authored by BHO.
4. Supreme Court has already docketed two upcoming conferences, 1/9/09 and 1/16/09 — between dates Congress counts electoral votes (1/8/09) and Presidential inauguration (1/20/09) — to address Berg Case and fashion relief on BHO’s eligibility to be President.
5. Since the fact of BHO’s dad being Kenyan/British not in dispute, Supreme Court rules on Summary Judgment to enjoin BHO’s inauguration as President.
6. Therefore, BHO is not inaugurated as President. (AND all that CRAP he signed is NOT legal)
7. Vice President Elect Biden is inaugurated Acting President under the 20th Amendment to serve until new President is determined — the procedure for which determination to be set out by Congress and/or the Supreme Court so long as in conformance with the Constitution.
Senator Bunning, and Representative Whitfield; Mr. Bunning presented a lesson on the election process and Whitfield insults
Senator David Vitter
Senator Barbara Mikulski
Representative John Sarbanes, Kool-aide drinker believes Obama. May vote for Socialist Workers Party candidate, Roger Calero, who was on several states ballots in 2008 even though he was born in Nicaragua.
HMMM...Since Obama's mother, Stanley Ann, was too gravid, i.e. pregnant and was a risk as an airline passenger so therefore was denied flight and had the baby in Mombassa, Kenya. Kenya does quietly claim Obama. Furthermore, BOTH parents MUST be US born citizens according to the US Constitution. And it looks like Obama was an Indonesian citizen, would have been denied schooling unless adopted by step-father Saotoro, giving him Indonesian citizenship Obama apparently used to get scholarships to Occidental College which is an expensive college. At that time Indonesia did not allow DUAL citizenship so appropriate paperwork was filed to renounce Obama's US citizenship which was NOT renewed because he was born in Kenya. Later Obama used a Connecticut Social Security number belonging to an elderly gentleman who died without surviving family to claim his $250 burial from SS. It is not known HOW Obama's name got transferred to the elderly gentleman's account only that Social Security does NOT recycle numbers!
he Second Amendment to the Constitution specifically states as a requirement, “natural born citizen” for president and vice president. This is different than a citizen, or a naturalized citizen. President-elect Obama was born to a father who was a citizen of the United Kingdom. Further he has not provided a legitimate copy of his birth certificate, he most likely lost his US citizenship if he had it when he was adopted in Indonesian, he also traveled to Pakistan in 1981 or 1982 when US citizens could not legally travel there. He is NOT a natural born citizen he is at best a citizen but more likely an illegal alien. Why has he spent around $800,000 in defending himself in these various lawsuits instead of providing a $12 document where many of these cases would go away?
His birth certificate on his website has been proven to be false and even if it was a legitimate certificate, that particular kind of certificate is one in which a person born outside the US could obtain. What is being requested is the long form where it states the doctor who delivered him and the hospital where he was born.
The statement from the Hawaiian officials stated the fact that they have the original document, that is all. They never released it, nor did they confirm that he was born in Hawaii.
The Supreme Court has NOT reviewed the merits of the cases and have NOT dismissed the cases. They denied the requests to stay the election. Many lawsuits are pending at both the state and federal level.
I understand you are a democrat and want to see a democrat in the white house. However, you took an oath to uphold the Constitution. I seriously hope that you review the facts and do your duty.
Very Respectfully,
Senator Carl Levin
Senator Roger F Wicker
Senator Harry Reid
New Jersey
Senator Robert Menendez
Senator Sherrod Brown
Representative Steven LaTourette
Senator Jim Inhofe
Representative John Tanner
Senator John Cornyn
Rep. Randy Neugebauer (NUGENOGGIN) from Texas hopefully FLUSHED in 2010.
WASHINGTON STATE SENATORS, CANTWELL AND MURRAY, AND THE HOUSE REP’S JAY INSLEE AND JIM MCDERMOTT ignore their constituents and may already be voted out and drawing their undeserved retirement. Congress has MOST LIKELY FIXED "retirement" to be at ANY AGE at the will of the voted out smuck.
Representative Jay Inslee got two listings as a smuck
Senator Herb Kohl, owns department stores requiring BOYCOTT in several states. Ignores the people so people might as well ignore all his stores, especially the new ones he has built on his Congressional machinations. When Reps and Senators are elected middle class and retire from politics as multi-millionaires...we should allow their appointmnt by the state governors AGAIN as the Founders intended NOT as the politicians benefitting from it changed it for their advantage.
Representative James Sensenbrenner
Representative Tammy Baldwin
DENNIS MOORE informs his constuents that Supreme Court initial bonehead decision to allow Obama's bogusified election to stand and would not hold up the inaugeration pending an intelligent rejection of Obama due to his lack of having a US born father.
****Or the Supreme Court was admitting that they "THINK" Obama is the LOVE CHILD of already married man ,Frank Marshall Davis, US born communist and therefore "extinuating circumstances" made Obama "natural born", although technically, illigitimate, have tied their collective hands.
Oh what tangled web we weave when first we believe anything, and go along with a premise. The Supreme Court should reverse itself while the DNC can field an Obama replacement. They can leave the fake phony fraudulent "Kenyan" in place and ignore Obama's Mombassa birthplace also.
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Now there are comments...what kind of SMUCK with soul so DEAD...could know his Congress person is a low-life Obamacare supporter and NOT want them sent back to their dying law practice?
ReplyDeleteIf you see a famiLIAR name...give 'em HELL!
From Nebraska Senators Cornhole Kickback to Louisianna, "Boughtoff" Streetwalker Senatorette...DIRTY SCUM! No scruples.
The Louisianna Senatorette FINALLY got hers! She was SENT HOME to play with her dolls. Good riddance to the SELLOUT!
ReplyDeleteSenator Jeff Sessions has TURNED over a NEW LEAF apparently NOW very CONSERVATIVE. Maybe just supported NOT DRILLING and condemned for that. Seems to have seen the LIGHT! Mel Martinez GONE 2009 so innocent of Obamacare Travesty support!